Pse phone number lawrence cou
Pse phone number lawrence cou

pse phone number lawrence cou

The utility offers multiple ways to make a payment, set up reoccurring payments, text reminders, report an outage and has secure online access to MyAccount where we can view energy use and set up service appointments. These online “self-service” features are super convenient I can get things done without having to call and speak with an actual person. We expect companies to offer multiple ways to do business with them that fits into our busy schedules, on our own time, in our own way – even allowing us to do business wherever we happen to be.Īs a PSE&G employee, and busy mom, I am proud to share that PSE&G is a leader in using technology to change the way we can interact with them. Multi-tasking has become a way of life for many people. The stores or service providers we interact with know our expectations as customers are changing. If it’s not kids or pets, maybe it’s remembering to send that email at work or scheduling doctors’ appointments for an aging parent.

pse phone number lawrence cou

See how my brain works? It’s running at 150 miles per hour, going in five different directions and I’m sure many of you can relate. I’ve noticed my memory isn’t what it used to be, or maybe it’s because I have too many things to remember. As a busy, working mom of two young children I have to constantly ask myself: who has practice?, is it crazy hair day?, do we even have stuff to make crazy hair?, is the PTO fundraising money due today?, are the pets up to date on their shots so we can board them soon? and now I’ve completely forgotten to pay my utility bill.

Pse phone number lawrence cou